see my process

· New Business Cards - Nea

· New Business Cards

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I still loved my letterpress cards. But, what? Like 8 years later, it was time for a change! Aaaand now, it's all about the golden!
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· Creamy Cold Rice Noodles Salad - Nea

· Creamy Cold Rice Noodles Salad

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ENGLISH /// Salad possibilities = INFINITE. Kale (from the balcony woot woot!), cold rice noodles...

FRANÇAIS /// Options salades = INFINIES. Kale (chou frisé, du balcon yé!), nouilles de riz froides...

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· The Dinner - Nea

· The Dinner

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I recently finished The Dinner by Herman Koch. I had a bit of trouble getting into this one, but I'm 95% sure it was because my brain was overwhelmed with work stuff. Then again, the slow pace might have also been a factor.
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· Boucles Megan dans ELLEquébec - Nea

· Boucles Megan dans ELLEquébec

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Mes boucles d'oreilles géantes de 3po sur la talentueuse Helena Deland dans le ElleQuébec ce mois-ci! Yé!! CRÉDITS: ...

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