Hello! My name is Janick :) I am the person behind Nea. Scroll to know more!
Back in 2006, as a self-employed graphic designer, I decided to follow my heart's desire by creating and selling modern and minimal jewelry.
By 2008, embroidered decor pieces (which I call Wall Wear) were added to the mix, and that propelled Nea into a full-time venture! :)
Now, so many years into it, I feel as tho I am still evolving: being on a forever challenge to define my style, upgrade my vision, create anew, and mostly, to keep moving forward in creating new and interesting pieces which inspire crushes; crushes for your everyday life.
Oh, I know that I am not changing the world. But I believe that sometimes, treating oneself (or another) with a handmade item, which was made with love and passion and care, can help us reaffirm powerful and confident feelings -- and then, who knows what else could happen after that! ;)
Nea is a one person small business.
I do everything, starting with creating products and photography, but also everything else such as social media, supplies shopping, shipping, website design & upkeep, craftshows, inventories, consignment prep, accounting, and of course production**.